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Returning to Japan


HOME《From Japan to Overseas》Returning to Japan

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Essential Things to Do Before Departure for Japan

Required procedures vary depending on the length of stay. Make a list of things you need to do to complete all procedures before you return home.

Travel arrangements

・Flight tickets
Secure your return airline tickets early, especially during peak seasons, as availability can be limited.

・Temporary accommodation
If relocating, book temporary accommodation until your departure date.

Report of Return (if you registered your Overseas Residential Registration)

Submitting the Report of Return follows the same process as you used for registering your Overseas Residential Registration (ORR).
If you return without submitting the report, submit the report online through ORRnet if you used it for registration. Otherwise, submit it to the Embassy/Consulate-General by mail or other non-email method.

Cancel your registration as a foreign resident (If you registered as a foreign resident with local authorities)

If you registered as a foreign resident with local authorities (e.g. Germany), canceling your registration may be mandatory.

Close local bank accounts

Explore alternative ways to pay utilities if you need to pay them after leaving.
Reviewing your overseas bank account before returning is crucial, as it may be frozen after inactivity.

Housing procedures

・Arrange to vacate your dorm/apartment
・Cancel and settle utilities (electricity, gas, water, phone, internet, etc.)
・Change of address. Notify the post office and request forwarding.
・Arrange for moving service


・Contact school/preschool and notify them of your return and confirm procedures.
・Inquire about schools/preschools. Research options in Japan for your child’s needs.

Shipment of packages

You might have accumulated more things than you anticipated. Check regulations for carry-on, shipment, duty-free allowances, quarantine, and prohibited items in advance.

Packaging for shipping

・Create a detailed packing list
Include the item name, quantity, and value for each box. Accuracy is crucial for customs clearance.

・Label clearly
Attach a serial number to each box.

・Smaller boxes
Use small, sturdy boxes and secure them with strong adhesive tape to withstand handling during international transit.

・Pack smartly
Prioritize careful packing and early shipment for important items.

・Consider purchasing cargo insurance

Separate shipments (Unaccompanied baggage)

You can receive your items later as separate shipments (imports) within six months of returning to Japan. Complete the “Unaccompanied Baggage” declaration procedure to qualify for potential duty exemptions on your personal belongings. This declaration must be done on your entry into Japan. Follow this process and avoid the standard import procedures.

Prohibited and Restricted Items to Be Brought into Japan

Double-check your belongings before your trip as some items are prohibited from entering Japan.
If you are planning to bring back items with import restrictions to Japan, check the rules and procedures beforehand.