Before leaving Japan
HOMEShort-term stay (less than 3 months)Before leaving Japan
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Travel arrangements
・Flight tickets
Secure your return airline tickets early, especially during peak seasons, as availability can be limited.
・Temporary accommodation
If relocating, book temporary accommodation until your departure date.
Housing Related Procedures
・When vacating your dorm/apartment
Give early notice to your dorm or apartment manager (or real estate agent) to move out and check in advance what is required in the move-out process.
・Cancel and settle utilities (electricity, gas, water), phone, internet, etc.
・Return your laboratory admission card
・Deletion of your campus email account (if you have)
・Return your library card (if you have)
For other procedures, please check with your host faculty member and staff.
At the Post Office
・Notify your change of address
・Request mail forwarding
Post offices will forward your mail for one year within Japan. If you wish to forward your mail to your home country, consider international mail forwarding services,
Sending Packages
You might have accumulated more things than you anticipated. Check regulations for carry-on, shipment, duty-free allowances, quarantine, and prohibited items in advance.
Here are some options for international shipping/moving from Japan to your country.
- Japan Post – International Mail
- Yamato Transport – Sending Parcels Overseas
- Yamato Transport – Kuroneko International Moving
You might also want to check with other companies that handle overseas moving, such as Nippon Express, Sagawa Express, Sakai Moving Service, etc.